
# 題目敘述

Given two 0-indexed integer arrays nums1 and nums2 , return a list answer of size 2 where:

  • answer[0] is a list of all distinct integers in nums1 which are not present in nums2 .
  • answer[1] is a list of all distinct integers in nums2 which are not present in nums1 .

Note that the integers in the lists may be returned in any order.

# Example 1:

Input: nums1 = [1,2,3], nums2 = [2,4,6]
Output: [[1,3],[4,6]]
For nums1, nums1[1] = 2 is present at index 0 of nums2, whereas nums1[0] = 1 and nums1[2] = 3 are not present in nums2. Therefore, answer[0] = [1,3].
For nums2, nums2[0] = 2 is present at index 1 of nums1, whereas nums2[1] = 4 and nums2[2] = 6 are not present in nums2. Therefore, answer[1] = [4,6].

# Example 2:

Input: nums1 = [1,2,3,3], nums2 = [1,1,2,2]
Output: [[3],[]]
For nums1, nums1[2] and nums1[3] are not present in nums2. Since nums1[2] == nums1[3], their value is only included once and answer[0] = [3].
Every integer in nums2 is present in nums1. Therefore, answer[1] = [].

# 解題思路

# Solution

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
class Solution {
    public List<List<Integer>> findDifference(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) {
        List<List<Integer>> ans = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> map1 = new ArrayList<>(), map2 = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int n : nums1) map1.add(n);
        for(int n : nums2) map2.add(n);
        List<Integer> temp1 = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int n : nums1){
            if(!map2.contains(n) && !temp1.contains(n)){
        List<Integer> temp2 = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int n : nums2){
            if(!map1.contains(n) && !temp2.contains(n)){
        return ans;


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